Water Soluble CBD: All You Need to Know

Water Soluble CBD: All You Need to Know - iadorecbd

Ever wondered what the difference between water-soluble CBD and oil soluble CBD is? And why you would need a certain type of CBD for your preferred method of consumption (i.e. vaping, sublingual under-the-tongue dropping, topical creams)?

Well, you've come to the right place! In this article we will explore everything related to water-soluble CBD: how it differs from regular CBD oil and why dosing can be trickier than with other types of cannabis extractions.

What Is Water Soluble CBD?

Water soluble CBD is a form of CBD that is able to dissolve in water. This makes it much easier for the body to absorb and process, compared to regular CBD oil.

Water soluble CBD is available as an oil or a powder. The oil is made by dissolving the CBD in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or MCT oil. The powder is made by dissolving the CBD in water.

Both the oil and the powder are absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly than regular CBD oil, and they are less likely to cause any adverse side effects. They are also easier to mix with food or drink.

Water soluble CBD is available in different concentrations, depending on how much CBD you want to take.

Water Soluble CBD Oil vs. Regular CBD Oil

When choosing between water soluble CBD oil and regular CBD oil, it is important to decide whether you want more convenience or better bioavailability.

The bioavailability of regular CBD is 10% to 20%. This means that just 1mg of regular CBD can have the same effect as 10-20 mg of water soluble CBD.

So if you are taking a large number of capsules or drops per day, then water soluble CBD will have greater value for your money because each one will be much stronger than a standard dose.

However, if taking many doses throughout the day isn't an issue – i.e., you take one strong dose once a day – then regular CBD oil might be the better choice.

Nanoemulsified CBD oil is considered to have even greater bioavailability than ordinary water soluble CBD. It has been reported to have a bioavailability of up to 50% .

Water Soluble CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil

CBD oil is usually made from hemp plants, so it will contain other compounds found in hemp plants, including terpenes and flavonoids.

However, not all hemp plants are the same quality . Some can contain contaminants that may affect your health or cause side effects.

This means that just because you are taking an oil containing water soluble CBD doesn't mean it is free of contaminants or other chemicals. If this concerns you, try choosing a pure form of CBD that has been tested for purity.

Nanoemulsified CBD vs. Other Types of Water Soluble CBD

Nanoemulsified means to reduce a substance into tiny droplets, and the process is often used with essential oils as it allows them to be better absorbed by the body. Nanoemulsification also helps the oil mix properly with water, which makes taking water soluble CBD easier.

CBD can be nano-emulsified using ultrasound technology to create a much smaller droplet size than is currently possible through other emulsification processes . This allows you to get more CBD into your body at once without having to take high doses or use lots of capsules or drops.

How Do I Use Water Soluble CBD?

Water soluble CBD can be added to most foods and drinks, or it can be taken directly in drops or mixed into capsules. Generally speaking, water soluble CBD is available at a strength of 10mg/ml .

To avoid side effects when taking water soluble CBD, start with very low doses (such as one drop) and gradually increase over time until you reach the desired effect .

What Are The Side Effects Of Water Soluble CBD ?

When taken properly, water soluble CBD is considered safe for human consumption. You might experience some adverse events when starting out, but these are usually mild and should not last more than a day. These include headaches, digestive discomfort, fatigue, changes in blood pressure , rashes or irritations.

If you experience any side effects when taking water soluble CBD, it is important to stop taking CBD immediately and see your doctor if the symptoms do not go away within 24 hours.

Just like all types of CBD oil, most brands of water soluble CBD won't show up on drug tests because they contain only trace amounts of THC (the psychoactive compound that will get you high) most people worry about when taking cannabis. It is also legal in many places where marijuana is not legally available.

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